
YAGA is started from the command line as:

python [OPTIONS]

A paradigm file has to be specified with the -p or --paradigm command line parameter. YAGA will look in the paradigms subfolder for the specified paradigm file. For example, to start the demo paradigm use this command:

python --paradigm

Here is a full list of command line options:

option (short version) option (long version) description
-h --help show information
-p STRING --paradigm STRING specify the paradigm file to load (necessary)
-m --maximize maximise application window
--subject STRING specify the subject code
--session NUMBER specify the session number
--run NUMBER specify the run number
--var1 STRING general purpose variable 1
--var2 STRING general purpose variable 2
--var3 STRING general purpose variable 3

The subject code, session and run number are used to select the directory and filename where the recorded data will be saved (see Integration with LSL). Moreover, the code in the paradigm file can also make use of this information and, e.g., load subject-specific data. The general purpose variables can be used to specify options for a paradigm (e.g., select a condition). The paradigm option is always obligatory; the other options may be required by the paradigm file.