Paradigm Scripting


The paradigm is programmed via a so-called paradigm file. A paradigm file contains regular Python code and must define the Paradigm class, which must derive from the ParadigmBase parent class. Its code is automatically loaded when YAGA starts. A typical skeleton looks like this:

from yaga_modules.paradigm_base import ParadigmBase
import yaga_modules.graphic_objects as GO
import yaga_modules.audio_objects as AO
import yaga_modules.signal_processing as SP

class Paradigm(ParadigmBase):
    def __init__(self, paradigm_variables):

Creation of a Presentation Objects

YAGA supports the timed presentation of several graphical or auditory objects, e.g., text, circles, or beep tones. A presentation object needs to be created within the __init__ constructor of the Paradigm class and registered to YAGA. A simple text object can be created as:

info_text = self.registerObject(GO.Text('prepare for task'))

In this example, GO.Text refers to the Text class defined in the graphic_objects module (GO). The call of registerObject is obligatory and registers the object to YAGA.

Timing of Presentation Objects

Once an object has been created and registered, state changes of the object can be scripted, i.e., timed. For that purpose, the ParadigmBase parent class provides the instance variable script. script must be a list of ScriptItem objects.

A ScripItem object specifies:

  1. a list of actions to execute when triggered
  2. the trigger (time, signal or LSL event marker)
  3. an informative name which is sent as an LSL event marker when the ScriptItem is triggered

Demo Paradigm

The paradigm implements a simple paradigm where study participants execute a task after a Go cue. The paradigm shows an instruction text and a traffic light on the screen. The traffic light represents the Go cue. After the traffic light, a countdown starts. While the countdown is running, the study participants would be asked to execute a certain task. The demo paradigm file shows the creation of text, image, and countdown objects and the set up of the paradigm sequence with script items.

A trial comprises the following script items: “trial_start”, “traffic_ligh_red”, “traffic_ligh_yellow”, “traffic_ligh_green”, “countdown”, “trial_end”. All script items are executed sequentially. Each script item optionally specifies the actions to be executed when the script item is triggered. Note that the actions must be specified as objects, not as actual method calls (i.e., no parentheses). The script list contains a total of 5 trial sequences, and is built using a for loop.

The demo paradigm file demonstrates three possible trigger types: absolute time, relative time, and signal-based. An absolute time trigger is used by the first “trial_start” script item, which is triggered 3s after program start. The subsequent “trial_start” script items use a relative time trigger, and are triggered 5s to 10s after the previous “trial_end” script item. A relative time trigger is specified by setting the time_type property to "rel" and the rel_name property to the name of the referenced script item. A signal-based trigger is used by the “trial_end” script item. This script item is triggered when the countdown object elicits the signal specified by the “wait_for_signal” property (COUNTDOWN_FINISHED).

The full source code of the demo paradigm file:

import numpy as np

from yaga_modules.paradigm_base import ParadigmBase, ScriptItem
import yaga_modules.graphic_objects as GO

class Paradigm(ParadigmBase):

    task_name = "demo"

    def __init__(self, paradigm_variables):
        super().__init__(paradigm_variables, lsl_recorder_remote_control=False, lsl_recorder_host="localhost")

        number_of_trials = 5
        pre_paradigm_interval = 3     # seconds
        post_paradigm_interval = 3    # seconds
        inter_trial_interval_min = 5  # seconds
        inter_trial_interval_max = 10 # seconds
        demo_task_duration = 5        # seconds

        # graphical objects
        instruction_text = self.registerObject(GO.Text("prepare for demo task", scale_x=0.1, scale_y=0.1, color="white"))
        countdown = self.registerObject(GO.Countdown(counter_start=demo_task_duration, scale_x=0.5, scale_y=0.5, color="white"))
        traffic_light_green = self.registerObject(GO.Image("traffic_light_green.png", scale_x=0.2, scale_y=0.2*1.7))
        traffic_light_yellow = self.registerObject(GO.Image("traffic_light_yellow.png", scale_x=0.2, scale_y=0.2*1.7))
        traffic_light_red = self.registerObject(GO.Image("traffic_light_red.png", scale_x=0.2, scale_y=0.2*1.68))

        # paradigm sequence definition
        self.script = []
        for trial_idx in range(number_of_trials):
            # the first trial has an absolute time trigger, the subsequent trials have a relative time trigger
            if trial_idx == 0:
                trial_start_time = pre_paradigm_interval
                trial_start_time_type = "abs"
                trial_start_time_ref = ""
                trial_start_time = np.random.uniform(inter_trial_interval_min, inter_trial_interval_max)
                trial_start_time_type = "rel"
                trial_start_time_ref = "trial_end"
            self.script.append(ScriptItem(name="trial_start", time=trial_start_time, time_type=trial_start_time_type, rel_name=trial_start_time_ref, actions=[instruction_text.activate]))
            self.script.append(ScriptItem(name="traffic_light_red", time=3, time_type="rel", rel_name="trial_start", actions=[instruction_text.deactivate, traffic_light_red.activate]))
            self.script.append(ScriptItem(name="traffic_light_yellow", time=5, time_type="rel", rel_name="trial_start", actions=[traffic_light_red.deactivate, traffic_light_yellow.activate]))
            self.script.append(ScriptItem(name="traffic_light_green", time=7, time_type="rel", rel_name="trial_start", actions=[traffic_light_yellow.deactivate, traffic_light_green.activate]))
            self.script.append(ScriptItem(name="countdown", time=9, time_type="rel", rel_name="trial_start", actions=[traffic_light_green.deactivate, countdown.activate]))
            self.script.append(ScriptItem(name="trial_end", wait_for_signal=GO.Countdown.COUNTDOWN_FINISHED, actions=[]))

        self.script.append(ScriptItem(time=post_paradigm_interval, time_type="rel", rel_name="trial_end", actions=[]))

Script Items

The paradigm sequence is defined by script items, which must be listed in the script instance variable of your Paradigm class. The script items are processed one by one in the order in which they appear in the instance variable script. A script item can be triggered by a time event, by a signal event generated by a graphical object, or by an external LSL marker event. You can also combine different trigger types. The script item is then triggered by whichever event comes first. A script item can be defined as:

ScriptItem(name='trial_start', time=10, actions=[info_text.activate])

In this example, the script item will call the method activate on the graphical object info_text at second 10 after the program start.

The name of the script item is sent as an event marker in the LSL stream yaga when the item is triggered. This allows recording programs to save the paradigm state together with the LSL data streams (see Integration with LSL).

Note that the execution of script items is synchronised to the screen refresh rate (often 60 Hz).


The actions parameter of a ScriptItem expects a list of methods which are called when the action item is triggered. The available actions depend on the presentation object and are listed in Supported Graphical Objects and Auditory Objects.

The actions must be specified as objects and not as method calls, i.e., without subsequent parentheses. This is to ensure that actions are executed when the script item is triggered and not at the program start when the initialisation method is executed.

Some actions accept parameters. You can specify parameters by using the partial function from the functools module. The partial function allows to fix arguments and generates a new function object. This new function object is then executed when the action item is triggered.

First import partial:

from functools import partial

Then use partial to create a new function object with a fixed set of parameters, e.g.:

ScriptItem(name='trial_start', time=10, actions=[targets.activate, partial(targets.setActiveTarget, 1)])

In this example, targets.setActiveTarget(1) is executed when the script item is triggered.

Time Triggers

YAGA supports two types of time triggers: absolute time triggers and relative time triggers. A trigger specified with an absolute time is triggered at the specified time after the program start. A trigger specified with a relative time is triggered at the specified time relative to another script item.

An absolute time trigger is the default. For example, to trigger a script item 10s after the program start, write:

ScriptItem(name='trial_start', time=10, actions=[info_text.activate])

To specify a relative time trigger, set time_type to “rel” and provide the name of the reference event with rel_name. For example, to trigger a script item 5s to 10s after the last “trial_end” event, write:

ScriptItem(name='trial_start', time=np.random.uniform(5, 10), time_type='rel', rel_name='trial_end', actions=[info_text.activate\])]

Signal Triggers

A script item can wait for trigger signals generated by graphical objects. To trigger a script item with a signal, set wait_for_signal to the respective signal. The possible trigger signals are listed in Supported Graphical Objects. For example:

ScriptItem(name='trial_end', wait_for_signal=GO.Countdown.COUNTDOWN_FINISHED, actions=[])

LSL Event Marker Triggers

A script item can be triggered by an external LSL event marker generated by other programs. To listen to an LSL event marker stream, call the method listenForLSLMarkers in the paradigm file. For example, to listen for markers in the first channel of the stream streamA:

self.listenForLSLMarkers("streamA", lsl_marker_channel=0)

The streams are expected to be event marker streams, i.e., they have an irregular sampling rate. The markers are usually variable-length ASCII strings.

After setting up an LSL event listener, you can trigger script items on LSL events by specifying the marker with the parameter wait_for_lsl_marker. For example:

ScriptItem(name='trial_end', wait_for_lsl_marker=”target_reached”, actions=[])

The data type of the specified marker must correspond to the data type of the LSL stream (usually a string).

Command Line Variables

YAGA supports three general-purpose variables, which can be specified when you start (var1, var2, var3). For example:

python --paradigm YOURPARADIGM --var1 someStringOrNumber

The general purpose variables are accessible in the paradigm file:

class Paradigm(ParadigmBase):

    def __init__(self, paradigm_variables):

        var1 = paradigm_variables['var1']

Moreover, one can specify the subject code (string) and session number (integer) with the command line parameters --subject and --session, respectively. These parameters are accessible as paradigm_variables['subject'] and paradigm_variables['session'] in the paradigm file.

Graphical Objects

Graphical objects are objects shown on the computer screen, such as text or feedback bars. They can be controllable with LSL streams, and can feature animations.

To use graphical objects, one needs to import the graphic_objects module first:

import yaga_modules.graphic_objects as GO

A graphical object must be created in the initialisation method of the paradigm file and registered to YAGA. For example, to create a text object:

text = self.registerObject(GO.Text('prepare for task'))

Base Methods

All graphical objects support the following methods which can be specified as actions in a ScriptItem:

method parameters value type description
activate - - show object on screen
deactivate - - hide object on screen

The position, scale, angle, and color of graphical objects can be changed with the following methods:

method parameters value types description
updatePos pos_x, pos_y, depth double, double, integer set x/y position and depth
updateScale scale_x, scale_y double, double set x/y size
updateRot angle double rotate object (in degrees)
updateColor color string or 3-tuple set color

Screen Coordinates

The screen coordinates are independent of the monitor resolution. The centre of the screen corresponds to the x/y position 0. The bottom edge corresponds to a y position of -1. The top edge corresponds to an y position of 1. The coordinates of the left and right edges depend on the screen ratio. With a typical screen ratio of 16:9, the left and right edges have the x coordinate -1.78 and 1.78, respectively ((ytop - ycenter) x 16/9).

Depth of Objects

The depth parameter must be an integer value and specifies the depth position of objects. Objects with a smaller depth value are in front of objects with a higher depth value (the default depth is 0).

Colour of Objects

Many objects allow changing their colour. The colour must be specified as an RGB tuple with values from (0, 0, 0) to (255, 255, 255) or as a colour name (string). The following color names are supported: black, white, red, lime, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, silver, gray, maroon, olive, green, purple, teal, navy, gold, orange, and darkorange.

Animated Objects

Some graphical objects support animations. Animations can be started or stopped using an action (startAnimation, stopAnimation) in a ScriptItem. Furthermore, animations can generate signals which can be used as triggers for ScriptItems (e.g., trigger actions at the end of an animation).

Supported Graphical Objects

Typical graphical elements used in neuroscience experiments are implemented. The Python classes representing these elements are described in the following.

Image Class

Loads an image file from the hard disk and displays it on the computer screen. The image must be in the subfolder resources/images. All common image formats are supported.

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
file string file name of image
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
angle double rotation angle

Ball Class

Displays a filled circle on the computer screen.


Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
color string or 3-tuple fill color

Box Class

Displays a filled box on the computer screen.


Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
angle double rotation angle
color string or 3-tuple fill color

Cross Class

Displays a cross on the screen.


Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
line_width double cross line size
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
angle double rotation angle
color string or 3-tuple cross color

Text Class

Displays a text box on the computer screen. Optionally, a value can be read from an LSL stream and displayed on the screen as a rounded number.


To read a number from an LSL stream, call the method controlStateWithLSLStream. For example:

text = self.registerObject(GO.Text())
text.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[1])

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
text string text to display
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
angle double rotation angle
color string or 3-tuple text color
background_color string or 3-tuple text box background color
frame_color string or 3-tuple text box frame color

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateColor color string or 3-tuple set text color
updateBackgroundColor color string or 3-tuple set text box background color
updateFrameColor color string or 3-tuple set text box frame color
updateText text string set text

RandomNumber Class

Display a random number in a text box on the computer screen. The number is updated after each call of the method activate according to a discrete normal distribution.

random number

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
interval list of 2 integers a random number is drawn from the specified closed interval
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
angle double rotation angle
color string or 3-tuple text color
background_color string or 3-tuple text box background color; set to None to deactivate
frame_color string or 3-tuple text box frame color; set to None to deactivate

Countdown Class

An animated countdown is displayed in a text box on the computer screen. The countdown is restarted after each call of the method activate.


Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
counter_start integer initial value of the countdown
counter_stop integer final value of the countdown
counter_interval double interval time in seconds
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
scale_x double horizontal size
scale_y double vertical size
angle double rotation angle
color string or 3-tuple text color
background_color string or 3-tuple text box background color
frame_color string or 3-tuple text box frame color

ScriptItem Trigger Signals:

signal description
Countdown.COUNTDOWN_FINISHED elicited at the end of the countdown

Bar Class

Displays a bar for 1D feedback on the screen. The fill level of the bar is controlled with a channel from an LSL stream. Optionally, a horizontal target line can be specified. The target line position can be fixed at object initialization, updated with a call of updateTargetValue, or controlled with an LSL stream. If the target is controlled with an LSL stream, the target position can be continuously updated (see parameter target_online_control) or updated at discrete time points with the action updateTargetValueFromLSLStream.


To set up the control of the fill level, call the method controlStateWithLSLStream and specify one control channel. For example:

bar = self.registerObject(GO.Bar(pos_x=0, pos_y=0))
bar.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0])

To optionally control the vertical target position continuously with the same LSL stream, set target_online_control to true, and specify a second control channel. For example:

bar = self.registerObject(GO.Bar(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, target_online_control=true))
bar.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0, 1])

The vertical target position can also be controlled with a separate LSL stream by using controlStateWithLSLStreams. The second specified channel then refers to the second stream. For example:

bar = self.registerObject(GO.Bar(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, target_online_control=true))
bar.controlStateWithLSLStream([“stream-A”, "stream-B"], channels=[0, 1])

Instead of continuously updating the target position from an LSL stream, the target position can also be updated when a script item is triggered. This can be achieved by specifying the action updateTargetValueFromLSLStream in the respective ScriptItem objects. Note that you still need to set up the control with controlStateWithLSLStream or controlStateWithLSLStreams. For example:

bar = self.registerObject(GO.Bar(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, target_online_control=false))
bar.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0, 1])


ScriptItem(name='update_bar', time=10, actions=[bar.updateTargetValueFromLSLStream])

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
bar_width double width of the bar
bar_height double height of the bar when fully raised
frame_width double thickness of the frame around the bar
target_width double width of the target line
target_height double height of the target line
bar_color string or 3-tuple color of the bar
frame_color string or 3-tuple color of the bar frame
target_color string or 3-tuple color of the target line
low_value double LSL value corresponding to an empty bar
high_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully filled bar
target_value double - target value or fill level (low_value <= target <= high_value)
- if set to None, no target will be displayed
target_online_control bool - if true control the vertical target position continuously with an LSL stream
- a second control channel for the target position must be specified when calling controlStateWithLSLStream or controlStateWithLSLStreams
- if false, the target position can be updated with the action updateTargetValueFromLSLStream

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateTargetValue target_value double update the target value
updateTargetValueFromLSLStream - - - update the target value with the most recent value from an LSL stream
- it is necessary to call controlStateWithLSLStream(s) before

BarWithRampTarget Class

Displays a feedback [bar]]( with a ramp animation of the target. The target will transit through the following phases:

  1. pre phase: target line is at the initial position
  2. ramp up phase: target line moves upwards
  3. hold phase: target line is at the hold position
  4. ramp down phase: target line moves downwards
  5. post phase: target line is back to the initial position

An additional horizontal line indicating the final ramp target will be displayed (target information) if the target animation is configured to stop below the top of the bar.

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
bar_width double width of the bar
bar_height double height of the bar when fully raised
frame_width double thickness of the frame around the bar
target_width double width of the target line
target_height double height of the target line
bar_color string or 3-tuple color of the bar
frame_color string or 3-tuple color of the bar frame
target_color string or 3-tuple color of the target line
target_info_color string or 3-tuple color of the target information
pre_phase_duration double time duration of the pre phase
ramp_up_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp up phase
hold_phase_duration double time duration of the hold phase
ramp_down_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp down phase
post_phase_duration double time duration of the post phase
low_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully contracted bar
high_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully raised bar
start_value double the initial position of the target
ramp_value double the position of the target in the hold phase

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateTargetValue target_value double update the target value
startAnimation - - start ramp animation
stopAnimation - - stop ramp animation

ScriptItem Trigger Signals:

signal description
BarWithRampTarget.BAR_FINISHED elicited after the end of the post phase

BarWithSinusTarget Class

Displays a feedback bar with a sinus oscillation animation of the target. The target will transit through the following phases:

  1. pre phase: target line is at the initial position
  2. ramp up phase: target line moves upwards
  3. sinus phase: target line oscillates up and down
  4. ramp down phase: target line moves downwards
  5. post phase: target line is back to the initial position

An additional horizontal line indicating the oscillation center will be displayed (target information) if the oscillation center is configured to be below the top of the bar.

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
bar_width double width of the bar
bar_height double height of the bar when fully raised
frame_width double thickness of the frame around the bar
target_width double width of the target line
target_height double height of the target line
bar_color string or 3-tuple color of the bar
frame_color string or 3-tuple color of the bar frame
target_color string or 3-tuple color of the target line
target_info_color string or 3-tuple color of the target information
pre_phase_duration double time duration of the pre phase
ramp_up_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp up phase
sinus_phase_duration double time duration of the oscillation phase
sinus_frequency double oscillation frequency in Hz
sinus_amplitude double oscillation amplitude
ramp_down_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp down phase
post_phase_duration double time duration of the post phase
low_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully contracted bar
high_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully raised bar
start_value double the initial position of the target
ramp_value double the center position of the sinus oscillations

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateTargetValue target_value double update the target value
startAnimation - - start ramp animation
stopAnimation - - stop ramp animation

ScriptItem Trigger Signals:

signal description
BarWithSinusTarget.BAR_FINISHED elicited after the end of the post phase

Arrow Class

Displays an arrow for 2D feedback on the computer screen. The endpoint of the arrow is controlled with two channels from an LSL stream. Optionally, a target can be visualised as a disk above the arrow's origin. The vertical target position can be fixed at object initialization, updated with a call of updateTargetValue, or controlled with an LSL stream. If the target is controlled with an LSL stream, the target position can be continuously updated (see parameter target_online_control) or updated at discrete time points with the action updateTargetValueFromLSLStream.


To set up the control of the arrow’s endpoint, call the method controlStateWithLSLStream and specify the LSL stream and two control channels. For example:

arrow = self.registerObject(GO.Arrow(pos_x=0, pos_y=0))
arrow.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0, 1])

To optionally control the vertical target position continuously with the same LSL stream, set target_online_control to true, and specify a third control channel. For example:

arrow = self.registerObject(GO.Arrow(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, target_online_control=true))
arrow.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0, 1, 2])

The vertical target position can also be controlled with a separate LSL stream by using controlStateWithLSLStreams. The third specified channel then refers to the second stream. For example:

arrow = self.registerObject(GO.Arrow(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, target_online_control=true))
arrow.controlStateWithLSLStreams([“stream-A”, "stream-B"], channels=[0, 1, 0])

Instead of continuously updating the target position from an LSL stream, the target position can also be updated when a script item is triggered. This can be achieved by specifying the action updateTargetValueFromLSLStream in the respective ScriptItem objects. Note that you still need to set up the control with controlStateWithLSLStream or controlStateWithLSLStreams. For example:

arrow = self.registerObject(GO.Arrow(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, target_online_control=false))
arrow.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0, 1, 2])


ScriptItem(name='update_arrow', time=10, actions=[arrow.updateTargetValueFromLSLStream])

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
angle double rotation angle of the arrow
arrow_length double length of the arrow when fully extended
line_width double width of the arrow
head_size double head size of the arrow
target_size double size of the target
arrow_color string or 3-tuple color of the arrow
target_color string or 3-tuple color of the target
low_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully contracted arrow
high_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully extended arrow
target_value double - target value (vertical target position)
- if set to None, no target will be displayed
target_online_control bool - if true, control the vertical target position continuously with an LSL stream
- a third control channel for the target position must be specified when calling controlStateWithLSLStream or controlStateWithLSLStreams
- if false, the target position can be updated with the action updateTargetValueFromLSLStream

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateTargetValue target_value double update the target value
updateTargetValueFromLSLStream - - - update the target value with the most recent value from an LSL stream
- it is necessary to call controlStateWithLSLStream(s)* before

ArrowWithRampTarget Class

Displays a feedback arrow with a ramp animation of the target disk. The target will transit through the following phases:

  1. pre phase: target disk is at the initial position
  2. ramp up phase: target disk moves upwards
  3. hold phase: target disk is at the final position
  4. ramp down phase: target disk moves downwards
  5. post phase: target disk is back to the initial position

An additional disk indicating the final ramp target position will be displayed (target information).

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
angle double rotation angle
arrow_length double length of the arrow when fully extended
line_width double width of the arrow
head_size double head size of the arrow
target_size double size of the target
target_info_size double size of the target information
arrow_color string or 3-tuple color of the arrow
target_color string or 3-tuple color of the target
target_info_color string or 3-tuple color of the target information
pre_phase_duration double time duration of the pre phase
ramp_up_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp up phase
hold_phase_duration double time duration of the hold phase
ramp_down_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp down phase
post_phase_duration double time duration of the post phase
low_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully contracted arrow
high_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully extended arrow
start_value double the initial position of the target
ramp_value double - the center position of the sinus oscillation
- when this value is lower than the high_value, an additional hold target will be displayed

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateTargetValue target_value double update the target value
startAnimation - - start ramp animation
stopAnimation - - stop ramp animation

ScriptItem Trigger Signals:

signal description
ArrowWithRampTarget.BAR_ARROW_FINISHED elicited after the end of the post phase

ArrowWithSinusTarget Class

Displays a feedback arrow Class with a ramp animation of the target disk. The target will transit through the following phases:

  1. pre phase: target disk is at the initial position
  2. ramp up phase: target disk moves upwards
  3. sinus phase: target disk is oscillating up & down
  4. ramp down phase: target disk moves downwards
  5. post phase: target disk is back to the initial position

An additional disk indicating the position of the oscillation centre will be displayed (target information).

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
angle double rotation angle
arrow_length double length of the arrow when fully extended
line_width double width of the arrow
head_size double head size of the arrow
target_size double size of the target
target_info_size double size of the target information
arrow_color string or 3-tuple color of the arrow
target_color string or 3-tuple color of the target
target_info_color string or 3-tuple color of the target information
pre_phase_duration double time duration of the pre phase
ramp_up_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp up phase
sinus_phase_duration double time duration of the oscillation phase
sinus_frequency double oscillation frequency in Hz
sinus_amplitude double oscillation amplitude
ramp_down_phase_duration double time duration of the ramp down phase
post_phase_duration double time duration of the post phase
low_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully contracted arrow
high_value double LSL value corresponding to a fully extended arrow
start_value double the initial position of the target
ramp_value double - the center position of the sinus oscillation
- when this value is lower than the high_value, an additional hold target will be displayed

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
updateTargetValue target_value double update the target value
startAnimation - - start ramp animation
stopAnimation - - stop ramp animation

ScriptItem Trigger Signals:

signal description
ArrowWithSinusTarget.BAR_ARROW_FINISHED elicited after the end of the post phase

SpikeVis Class

Visualise discrete events, such as spikes, with flashing feedback disks. A SpikeVis object can be used as a feedback element for, e.g., the onset and termination of spike trains.


SpikeVis supports multiple feedback disks and must have as many LSL control channels as feedback disks. The LSL control channels are expected to provide 0/1 values. To set up the control, call the method controlStateWithLSLStream. For example:

spikes = self.registerObject(GO.SpikeVis(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, number_of_units=3))
spikes.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0, 1, 2])

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
number_of_units integer number of feedback disks; must correspond to the number of LSL control channels
size double size of a feedback disk
spacing double distance between feedback disks
flash_duration double time in seconds a feedback disk flashes (activates) when a “1” is read from the corresponding LSL control channel
active_color string or 3-tuple color of the feedback disk when inactive
inactive_color string or 3-tuple color of the feedback disk when it is active

ReachTargets Class

Graphical object to implement target reaching experiments. It displays one or more disk targets which must be reached and held with a 2D cursor. The targets will be arranged in a circle around the centre. The cursor is controlled with 2 LSL channels.

target reach

To set up the control, call the method controlStateWithLSLStream. For example:

targetreaching = self.registerObject(GO.ReachTargets(pos_x=0, pos_y=0, number_of_targets=3))
targetreaching.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=[0,1])

An optional start target can be specified. Such a start target will be placed in the centre and must be reached before the actual target.

The cursor must stay within the correct target area for a certain period (dwell time) to generate a target-reached signal. This target-reached signal can then be used to trigger a script item.

To activate the ReachTargets object at second 10 and set the active (current) target to target 1, create a script item such as:

ScriptItem(name='trial_start', time=10, actions=[targets.activate, partial(targets.setActiveTarget, 1)])

To end the trial when the target reached signal is generated or a 30s timeout occurs, create a script item such as:

ScriptItem(name='trial_end', time=30, time_type='rel', rel_name='trial_start', wait_for_signal=GO.ReachTargets.TARGET_REACHED, actions=[targets.deactivate])

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pox_x double horizontal position
pos_y double vertical position
depth integer depth position
radius double radius of the targets around the center
number_of_targets integer number of targets
dwell_time double dwell or hold time of targets
start_target bool show a start target
target_rotation double rotate targets (in degrees)
target_size double target size
cursor_size double cursor size
target_active_color string or 3-tuple color of the active (current) target disk
target_inactive_color string or 3-tuple color of the inactivate target disks
target_reached_color string or 3-tuple color of the target disk when the cursor is within the target area
cursor_color string or 3-tuple color of the cursor

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
setActiveTarget selected_target_idx integer index of the active (current) target

ScriptItem Trigger Signals:

signal description
ReachTargets.START_TARGET_REACHED optional start target has been reached
ReachTargets.TARGET_REACHED active (current) target has been reached

Auditory Objects

Auditory objects generate sounds. They can be controllable with LSL streams.

To use auditory objects, one needs to import the audio_objects module first:

import yaga_modules.audio_objects as AO

An auditory object must be created in the initialisation method of the paradigm file and registered to YAGA. For example, to create a beep object:

beep = self.registerObject(AO.Beep())

The Python classes representing the auditory objects are described in the following.

Beep Class

Generates a beep sound, e.g., to attract the attention of the subject.

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
beep_frequency double frequency of the beep in Hz
beep_amplitude double sound level
beep_duration double duration of a beep in seconds
beep_channels string output channels: "both”, “left”, or “right”
delay double - delay the presentation of the beep
- use a delay of 0.2s or more to minimise jitter

ScriptItem Actions:

method parameters value types description
beep - - generate beep

SpikeSound Class

Generate a feedback signal for discrete events like spikes. SpikeSound supports multiple event or spike signals which can be associated with a specific sound frequency or output channel. Optionally, the sound frequencies can be dynamically modulated by the instantaneous firing rates. The events are read from an LSL stream which is expected to provide 0/1 values. To set up the LSL control call the method controlStateWithLSLStream. For example, to generate sounds for two spike signals using different sound frequencies and output channels:

spikes = self.registerObject(AO.SpikeSound(beep_frequencies=\[800, 2000\], beep_channels=\['left', 'right'\]))
spikes.controlStateWithLSLStream(“the-stream”, channels=\[0, 1\])

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
beep_frequencies list of doubles - list of frequencies in Hz
- must have the same length as number of LSL channels
- values must be between 100 Hz and 10 kHz
beep_channels list of strings - list of output channels (“both”, “left”, or “right”)
- must have the same length as number of LSL channels
beep_duration double duration of each spike sound
downsample integer downsample factor; generate a spike sound for every x^th^ spike
dynamic_frq bool if true, modulate the sound frequency by the instantaneous firing rate
dynamic_frq_factor integer the final sound frequency is the base frequency (from beep_frequencies) plus the instantaneous firing rate multiplied by this factor
dynamic_max_frq double limit the smoothed instantaneous firing rate to this frequency
dynamic_mov_avg integer - calculate the instantaneous firing rate as the inverse of the interspike interval smoothed with a moving average window of length dynamic_mov_avg
- set to None if exponential smoothing is used
dynamic_exp_avg_alpha double - calculate the instantaneous firing rate as the inversive of the interspike interval smoothed with exponential smoothing using a smoothing factor of dynamic_exp_avg_alpha
- set to None if the moving average is used

Online Control of Objects with LSL streams

Parameters of graphical and auditory objects can be controlled with LSL streams. The LSL streams can be read directly or processed online (scaling, filtering, etc.). The parameter updates are synchronous to the screen refresh rate.

Control of Graphical Objects

The position, scale, colour or state of graphical objects can be controlled by one or more LSL streams. For that, call the respective control method listed below.

Methods for controlling a property with a single LSL stream:

method parameters value types description
controlPosWithLSLStream lsl_stream_name, channels, aggregation_mode string, list of integers, string control the x/y position of an object with two channels from a single LSL stream
controlScaleWithLSLStream lsl_stream_name, channels, aggregation_mode string, list of integers, string control the x/y size of an object with two channels from a single LSL stream
controlColorWithLSLStream lsl_stream_name, channel, aggregation_mode,
neg_color, pos_color, neutral_color
string, integer, string,
string, string, string
- interpolate between colors using one channel from a single LSL stream:
     when the value of the LSL channel is in the interval [-1, 0): interpolate between the negative and neutral color
     when the value of the LSL channel is in the interval [0, 1]: interpolate between the neutral and positive color
- colors must be specified by their name (string)
controlStateWithLSLStream lsl_stream_name, channels, aggregation_mode string, list of integers, string state updates are specific to the graphical object
  • the channels parameter of controlPosWithLSLStream and controlScaleWithLSLStream must be a list comprising two channel indices
  • the channel parameter of controlColorWithLSLStream must be a channel index
  • the channels parameter of controlStateWithLSLStream must be a list with one or more channel indices (the number of channels depends on the actual graphical object)
  • for an explanation of the aggregation_mode parameter see Aggregation Mode
  • note that channel indexing starts with a 0 in Python

Methods for controlling a property with multiple LSL stream:

method parameters value types description
controlPosWithLSLStreams lsl_stream_names, channels, aggregation_mode list of strings, list of integers, string control the x/y position of an object with two channels from two separate LSL streams
controlScaleWithLSLStreams lsl_stream_names, channels, aggregation_mode list of strings, list of integers, string controls the x/y size of an object with two channels from two separate LSL streams
controlStateWithLSLStreams lsl_stream_names, channels, aggregation_mode list of strings, list of integers, string currently only supported by Bar Class and Arrow Class

Control of Auditory Objects

Auditory objects support the following methods to set up LSL control.

Methods for controlling a property with one or more LSL stream:

method parameters value types description
controlWithLSLStream stream name, channels, aggregation_mode string, list of integers, string currently only supported by SpikeSound Class
controlWithLSLStreams stream names, channels, aggregation_mode list of string, list of integers, string not yet supported by any auditory object

Aggregation Mode

The LSL streams used to control the parameters of graphical or auditory objects are read and processed just before a screen refresh. All updates are therefore synchronised with the screen refresh rate, which is often 60 Hz.

  • when the sampling frequency of an LSL stream is lower than the screen refresh rate, the LSL stream is upsampled to the screen frequency using a sample & hold strategy
  • when the sampling frequency of an LSL stream is higher than the screen frequency, the LSL stream is downsampled strategy specified by aggregation_mode is used

The following sample aggregation strategies are supported:

aggregation mode value description
last (default) the most recent LSL sample is used, the rest is discarded
sum the LSL samples since the last read-out are summed up
mean the LSL samples since the last read-out are averaged

Signal Processing

LSL streams can be processed when used to control parameters of graphical or auditory objects. YAGA signal processing is applied to the original LSL stream, i.e., before any re-sampling to the screen refresh rate (see Aggregation Mode).

To use signal processing on LSL streams, import the signal_processing module:

import yaga_modules.signal_processing as SP

Signal processing objects can be added to the signal processing pipeline by calling the method addSignalProcessingToLSLStream. In the following example, a feedback bar is set to be controlled by an LSL stream and the LSL stream is filtered with a Butterworth low-pass filter and scaled:

bar = self.registerObject(GO.Bar())
bar.controlStateWithLSLStream('the-stream', channels=[10])

butter = SP.ButterFilter(4, 5)
scaler = SP.Scaler(scale=2)

bar.addSignalProcessingToLSLStream(butter, channels=[10])
bar.addSignalProcessingToLSLStream(scaler, channels=[10])

The first parameter of addSignalProcessingToLSLStream is the signal processing object. The second parameter is the channel list. The number of supported channels depends on the concrete signal processing object.

Important note: Make sure that signal processing objects which have a state (e.g., ButterFilter) exist only in one signal processing pipeline. If you need the same signal processing method applied to another LSL stream, create a new signal processing object.

The following signal processing objects are supported by YAGA.


Set channels to a constant value.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
value double set signals to the given value


Copy values from one channel to another channel.

Number of supported channels: two or more

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
channel_in integer index of the source channel
channel_out integer index of the destination channel


Filters stream with a Butterworth filter.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: Yes

Stateful: Yes

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
order integer order of the filter
cutoff_frqs double or list of doubles critical frequency or frequencies:
     - low/highpass: a scalar
     - bandpass/stop: a 2-element list
filter_type string filter type, possible values: lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop


Moving average filter.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: Yes

Stateful: Yes

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
window_length integer length of the moving window in seconds


Calculates the angle in radians between the x-axis and the point given by (x,y). The first channel represents the x-coordinate, and the second channel represents the y-coordinate.

Number of supported channels: two

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: no


Integration over samples.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: yes

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
factor double multiply samples by a factor before integration


Calculates the difference between two consecutive samples.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: yes


Calculates the sum over channels.

Number of supported channels: two or more

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: no


Calculates the average over channels.

Number of supported channels: two or more

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: no


Calculates the standard deviation over channels.

Number of supported channels: two or more

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: no


Multiplies channels by a scaling factor and adds offsets before and after scaling.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
scale double scale samples by this factor
pre_offset double add pre_offset before scaling
post_offset double add post_offset after scaling


Linearly maps signals from the interval [in_val1, in_val2] to the interval [out_val1, out_val2].

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type
in_val1 double
in_val2 double
out_val1 double
out_val2 double


Limit signals to minimum and maximum values.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
min_val double minimum value
max_val double maximum value


Calculates the absolute value.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no


Raises signals to the given power.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
exponent double exponent (power)


Calculate the Euclidean norm over channels.

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: no


Normalise channels by the maximum Euclidean norm found from the data channels in the specified XDF file (e.g., force normalisation).

Find maximum:

  1. load the XDF file
  2. apply a median window filter to the selected channels of the data stream
  3. subtract a common or channel-specific offset
  4. calculate the 2-norm over all selected channels
  5. find the maximum norm value over all trials

Online processing:

  1. subtract offset from signals
  2. divide by the found maximum norm

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: no

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
xdf_file string XDF file to load
data_stream_name string name of data stream over which the Euclidean norm is calculated (e.g., 2D force data)
marker_stream_name string name of the event stream
start_marker string name of a trial start event
data_stream_channels list of integers channel indices of the data stream over which the Euclidean norm is calculated (if None, use all channels)
offset double or list of double - subtract an offset value before calculating the Euclidean norm
- to specify channel-specific offsets, specify offsets as a list with one offset value per channel
- set to None to subtract the minimum of each channel
filter_window_length integer filter data stream with a median filter using the specified window size in samples (must be odd)


Normalise channels by the maximum power found from the data channels in the specified XDF file (e.g., EMG power normalisation).

Find maximum:

  1. load the XDF file
  2. apply a Butterworth bandpass filter to the selected channels of the data stream (pre-filter)
  3. calculate the signal power of all selected channels
  4. apply a moving average filter (post-filter)
  5. calculate the median signal power over all selected channels
  6. find the 90% percentile of the power over all trials

Online processing:

  1. apply the pre-filter (bandpass)
  2. calculate the signal power
  3. apply the post-filter (moving average)
  4. calculate the median over channels
  5. divide signals by found 90% percentile of the power

Number of supported channels: one or more

Operates channel-wise: yes

Stateful: yes

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
xdf_file string XDF file to load
data_stream_name string name of data stream over which the Euclidean norm is calculated (e.g., 2D force data)
marker_stream_name string name of the event stream
start_marker string name of a trial start event
end_marker string name of a trial end event
data_stream_channels list of integers channel indices of the data stream over which the Euclidean norm is calculated (if None, use all channels)
prefilter_order Butterworth bandpass filter order
prefilter_cutoff_frqs Butterworth bandpass cutoff frequencies
postfilter_win_length - apply a moving average filter with the specified windows length in samples
- set to 1 to deactivate filter


Implements a Flappy Bird style 2D control with discrete events like spikes. As input, a 1D signal comprising 0/1 values is expected (e.g., spiking activity). The generated output is a 2D position signal, which can be used to control the position of other graphical objects.

The control works as follows:

  • an input activity increases the position on the currently controlled axis
  • a short pause in the input activity switches the control between the x and y axis
  • the x and y positions decrease at a constant velocity

Note: The signal processing object expects 2 channels, but only the activity in the first channel is evaluated. The channel values will be replaced by the calculated x/y position.

Number of supported channels: two

Operates channel-wise: no

Stateful: yes

Object Initialisation Parameters:

parameter value type description
pos_increment double each discrete event (spike) increases the position on the currently controlled axis by this value
negative_vel double decrease the position on both axes by this velocity; however, recent spiking activity prevents the currently controlled axis from this change
switch_interval double minimum pause interval to switch between x and y axis
x_max double limit x position to this value
y_max double limit y position to this value